Programs & Services
Our goal is to provide objective, comprehensive information and assistance
so individuals can make informed choices about their services and
supports. The first step is to talk to an Options Counselor.
Options Counseling
Options counseling is an individualized discussion to review the services that might be available to a person to help them live in their home or an alternative setting such as assistive living. They will review the person’s support needs, financial status and their long-term goals. The counselor will provide objective information and assistance to help people access
private or publicly funded service programs, such as in-home services, durable medical equipment, transportation, assistive technology, nutrition support and the availability of funding for these services, including Medicaid funding. The Options Counseling is provided by staff who are familiar with community resources and the needs of persons who are
elderly or who have physical disabilities.
Options counseling is provided at no cost by phone or in person. The first step is to call 1-800-794-2440.
If you live outside our service area, call 1-855-200-ADRC (2372) .

Other Ways We Help
CARE Assessments
CARE is to help persons find appropriate long-term care services and to collect data on the need for home and community based services. The assessment is a personal interview with you (and your family or other caregivers such as a guardian/conservator when appropriate). Anyone seeking nursing home care must be assessed by the CARE program before they can enter the nursing home. If you or a loved one are considering a move to a nursing facility, please contact our office at 1-800-794-2440.
Caregiver Services
Caregiving may be one of the most important roles you will undertake in your lifetime. It is not an easy role, nor is it one for which most of us are prepared. Like most people, you may have questions about your care receiver’s illness or disability. If you have a job and are juggling several responsibilities, or if your family member or friend needs a lot of assistance, you need help with caregiving. Whether you are expecting to become a caregiver or have been thrust into the role overnight, it is useful to know where you can obtain information or assistance.
Support Groups can be found at the following places and times:
Opies , 122 E. Main St.
4th Wednesday of the month​
11 am - 12:30 pm
Lunch provided
Contact SEK Mental Health - Kathy Newman
Big Cheese, 103 E. Main St.​
1st Thursday of the month
11 am - 12: 30 pm​
Lunch provided
Contact Four County Mental Health - Dana Davis,
Fort Scott
Papa Don's Pizza, 10 N. Main St.​
3rd Wednesday of the month
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.​
Breakfast provided
Contact SEK Mental Health - Courtney Campbell
Pittsburg Public Library, 308 N. Walnut​
​3rd Thursday of the month
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.​
KU Alzheimer's Disease Research Center - Amy Yeager
Case Management
Case Management connects individuals to a full range of appropriate services, using all available funding sources and monitors the care provided. Case managers provide information about the range of options, so the older adult and their caregivers are made aware of the community-based options. They also facilitate the coordination of these services on their behalf. Case managers review needs and resources and link the person to the appropriate services.
Exercise & Wellness
Free evidence-based group exercise program are available. Different programs are provided that are designed to support the quality of life for seniors (60+) in our service area. Older adults at all levels of fitness will benefit from the programs.
In-Home Supports
Care programs assist older adults in maintaining and improving their independence. This is done by providing homemaker services, such as laundry, housekeeping and cooking or attendant care, which includes bathing, dressing and getting in a chair or bed. There are several different types of in-home programs available.
Legal Services
We have a contract with Kansas Legal Services. Due to limited resources, there is a prioritization of need and Kansas Legal Services for Older Adults is not able to offer assistance in every type of case. Examples are Guardians/Conservators, Credit issues, Patient’s Rights, Power of Attorney, Living Wills and Consumer Advocacy.
For more information please call 1-620-232-1330 or visit
Medical Alert Devices
Medical Alert devices provide older adults 24-hour care without the need for constant attention from family members. The systems will alert a relative or professional urgent care services if there has been an accident in the home. Typically, these devices come equipped with buttons or wearable devices that, when pushed, will alert for medical assistance if you fall or need any kind of help.
Medicaid Waiver Services
Medicaid Waiver Services include intake for Frail Elderly, Brain Injury and Physical Disability waivers and administrative case management.
Senior Farmers Market
Each year applications are available for the Kansas Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (KSFMNP). This popular program provides vouchers to Kansans over age 60 who have an annual gross income at or meet income guidelines. Vouchers are distributed on a first come, first served basis. Eligible Kansans from anywhere in Kansas may shop at participating farmers’ markets with vouchers. Applications are available in late spring.
For income guidelines and locations go to:

Silver Hair Legislation
Created by an Act of Congress in 1969. Each state was encouraged to create a body of Seniors who would identify issues important to older Kansas adults (60+) and to educate the Kansas Legislature about those issues. The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature (SHL) was created by Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1649, which was passed by the 1982 Legislature. It created a unicameral legislature composed of 125 representatives. All are 60+ years old and are elected from their county of residence. SHL identifies priority concerns of Kansans over 60 years of age; develops bills and resolutions designed to address those identified concerns; and presents those resolutions to the Kansas Legislature & Governor as recommendations for state policy. Any Kansan aged 60 or over who is a registered voter may file for candidacy. The term of office is two years and members may file for re-election. For more information please visit
Yates Center Transportation
Pam McKinsey
Yates Center Only
Thrive Allen County
Jeff Keithly
Allen County
Transportation not funded by SEKAAA
Bourbon, Cherokee and Crawford counties
Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford and Labette Counties